Monday, August 27, 2012

Thanks for the sudden increase of views!  Please tell ur friends and family about this blog and I will post more often!  Dont be afriad to comment or post on our blog!
M & K

Saturday, August 25, 2012

I miss Fantage Japan!  It was so cool and fun and you didn't need a membership!

Thursday, August 23, 2012



So cute!
And love Maplestory, Fantage, and all things by Nexon Co.!
Check it out!
     Don't forget to look at our other posts!  Just because they're outdated doesn't mean they're not Awesome!!!

                 I love XC!  Its REALLY hard on the first day but it gets more and more easy as you practice!  Never give up!  I do it even though I can't run!  It gets really fun you guys should try it!

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Who likes Chinese or Japanese food?
Haha sad but funny


     I don't wanna do my homework! 
              My favorite episode!!!  Did you watch Spongebob as a Kid???

Who loves converse??? My favorite shoes!
Piggy <3

                            Yummy!  Don't you wish you had this in your hands right now???
